Sunday, September 10, 2023

Doctors Next To The God- A Farce

 As said that the doctors are next to the God and it remains just the pages of books, not in practice. Patients are not for sympathy and compassion. They are just for exploitation. To extract more and more money until their last drop of blood. There are handful of doctors who are dedicated to their service. Otherwise, most of them are indulged in making more and more bucks without thinking a bit about the miserable plight of the patients and their relatives. The costly treatment breaks their spine. There is a huge difference in the doctors decades ago and the present scenario. When a patient visits the doctor then one has to face the sky-rocketing fees which deteriorates the condition of the patient at first sight. Then various tests and prescribed medicines give them a hard blow to the patients and their attendants. There are four to seven types of tests. Generally, every test costs from three to five hundred. Anyway, after viewing test reports, the turn of medicines comes. Usually, seven to twelve types of medicines are prescribed which are in forms of tablets, capsules and syrups. So, one has to bear four to five thousand rupees at the first visit. Going through these hazardous circumstances, the opinion formed is that the doctors are worthless. They have no confidence and unable to diagnose the ailment on themselves.       

  # Medical Exploitation-1

1 comment:

  1. This year the Rajasthan Govt made a few policies for the public, The doctor's community in Rajasthan was offended & made the Govt to back step. 🙏🏼
